Kubernetes for Java developers with Roland Huß at the DevOps-Meetup

On 12.10.2017, Roland Huß was at the Devops Meetup in Frankfurt and gave a talk on the subject of „Kubernetes for Java developers“.

He started with an introduction, or rather, motivation, how to split monoliths into microservices and why that is useful.
These services can be easily distributed to teams, independently developed and subsequently packaged and deployed in Docker containers.

With the help of Kubernetes you can orchestrate the containers well, ie scheduling, scaling, self healing, service discovery and the rollout and rollback are managed by Kubernetes.
Roland then presented the architecture of Kubernetes and described how it can be run in the cloud.

After that, the focus was on how a Java developer can use Kubernetes locally to orchestrate services. Roland has shown in a demo how to use Kubernetes locally using minikube.
In the demo, he created a very simple microsrvice with Spring Boot and started one instance with Minikube and also presented how you can use remote debugging.
To easily create Docker containers that can be deployed, Roland has used the fabric8 Maven plug-in.
In the end he was briefly on Openshift and Minishift.
Many thanks to Roland for the interesting talk. Roland has impressively shown how easy it is to use Kubernetes as a Java developer to work locally with docker containers.
Anyone interested in the RaspberryPi-Kubernetes cluster can find more information here: RaspberryPi-Cluster.
Many thanks to codecentric for hosting this event. The slides can be found here.

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