On 21st, April Josh Long (Pivotal) was in Darmstadt at the JUG-Darmstadt and gave a talk about SpringCloud (Cloud native Java). He started with a motivation why it makes sense to use Open Source Libraries and frameworks such as Spring. Afterwards he implemented a small microservice with SpringBoot (Reservation service) and explained when it makes sense to use microservices. OH: „Use it, if it is necessary“. In other words, use microservices if the velocity in a team goes down because of the complexity of a monolith.
Monolithic gravity: A large system will attract new features and changes. In the process it will become larger and eventually collapse.
— Eberhard Wolff (@ewolff) 27. April 2015
The starting point of the first service was the URL http://start.spring.io where he created a small SpringBoot Maven Project. Multiple times he emphasized that you should select jar. Make Jar not War! ;-) Next to this introduction he expanded the reservation service by other services. Among others a configuration service (Config Server). During the next steps he introduced a bunch of other features of SpringCloud by extending the example with Eureka, Zipkin, Zuul, RabbitMQ and Hysterix. Also he mentioned Brixton, Sleuth, Zookeeper and Consul. After 3 hours he finished his „short overview“ and was very sorry that he could not show more… ;-) In my opinion it was a great and very informative and entertaining talk about SpringCloud with a lot of impressive live coding. Thanks a lot Josh for the interesting talk! Many thanks to Accso for the hospitality!