By HeikeHameister, on April 4th, 2012% The New Palace is situated on the western side of the Sanssouci royal park in Potsdam was build by Frederick the Great. The construction of the palace started 1763 and was finished after six years, 1769. It is considered to be the last great Prussian baroque palace.
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By HeikeHameister, on April 3rd, 2012% The Orangery Palace (Orangerieschloss) is also known as the New Orangery on the Klausberg, or just the Orangery. It was built in the style of the Italian Renaissance, after the image of the Villa Medici in Rome and the Uffizi in Florence.
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By HeikeHameister, on April 2nd, 2012% Sanssouci Park is a large park surrounding Sanssouci Palace in Potsdam, Germany. Following the terracing of the vineyard and the completion of the palace, the surrounding is a baroque flower garden with lawns, flower beds, hedges and trees. The greenhouses of the numerous nurseries contained oranges, melons, peaches and bananas.
The park has a 2.5 . . . → Read More: Park Sanssouci, Potsdam
By HeikeHameister, on April 1st, 2012% The Friedenskirch (Church of Peace) is a protestant church and is situated in the palace grounds of Sanssouci Park in Potsdam, Germany. The cornerstone of the churchhouse was laid on April 14, 1845 and the structure resembles a High Italian monastery. A narthex across the western side of the portal opens into an inner courtyard . . . → Read More: Church of Peace „Friedenskirche“, Potsdam
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