
Berlin is with a population of 3.45 million people the largest city of Germany and is the residence for over 190 nations. The city is the home of renowned universities and research institutes. Furthermore, Berlin shelters great culture, like museums, orchestra and sporting events. The city is famous for the diverse architecture, nightlife and contemporary . . . → Read More: Berlin

Need a bike?

The bicycle sharing system makes numbers of bicycles available as a mobility service in different german cities.

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Potsdamer Platz, Berlin

The Potsdamer Platz is a public square and traffic intersection in the centre of Berlin, Germany and the history can be tracked back to the year 1685.

In 1924 one of the first traffic lights in Continental Europe were built at Potsdamer Platz in an attempt to control the sheer volume of traffic passing through. . . . → Read More: Potsdamer Platz, Berlin


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