Early morning at the market

I took these pictures at the market in Ulm (Germany) on a very early morning…

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Early morning at the market

I took these pictures at the market in Ulm (Germany) on a very early morning…

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Summer Sunset

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Rosenhöhe, Darmstadt

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Schloss Wolfsgarten, Langen (Hesse)

Schloss Wolfsgarten was a former hunting lodge of the ruling family of Hesse-Darmstadt and was established between 1722 and 1724 by Landgrave Ernst Ludwig of Hesse-Darmstadt. From 1879, Wolfsgarten became a favorite country retreat for Grand Dukes Ludwig IV and his son Ernst Ludwig.

In the 20th century, Grand Duke Ernst Ludwig extensively modernised Schloss . . . → Read More: Schloss Wolfsgarten, Langen (Hesse)

Jugendstilbad, Darmstadt

The architect August Buxbaum designed the Jugendstilbad in Darmstadt and it was built from 1907-1909.

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Sprudelhof, Bad Nauheim

The Sprudeholf or “effervescent” bath is a type of spa bath through which carbon dioxide is bubbled and was one of several types of hydrotherap. The ensemble is an impressive cultural monument and was built between 1905 and 1911. It is a clearly structured and symmetric facility as a whole, as playful and loving is . . . → Read More: Sprudelhof, Bad Nauheim


Gernsheim is a town in Groß-Gerau district (Hesse) and is lying on the Rhine. The town is the birthplace of Peter Schöffer (Petrus Schoeffer) an early German printer, who studied in Paris and worked as a manuscript copyist in 1451 before apprenticing with Johannes Gutenberg.

Important for the town is the container port with a . . . → Read More: Gernsheim

Glienicker Bridge „Glienicker Brücke“

The Glienicker Bridge is situated on the edge of Berlin. It spans the river „Havel“ to connect the cities of Potsdam and Berlin. During the Cold War, the Glienicker Bridge was one of the few places in the world where the Soviet Union and the Western powers stood directly opposite each other. The bridge lies . . . → Read More: Glienicker Bridge „Glienicker Brücke“


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