Around the water tower („Wasserturm“), Darmstadt

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Mathildenhöhe, Darmstadt

These photos were taken after a sunny autumn day in Darmstadt (Hesse), Germany.

The artists’ colony “Mathildenhöhe” was founded in 1899 by Ernest Ludwig, Grand Duke of Hesse and the first exhibition of the artists’ colony took place in 1901. Ernest Ludwig motto was: “My Hesse should flourish, and the art in Hesse too” and . . . → Read More: Mathildenhöhe, Darmstadt

Asian architecture in Frankfurt

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Frankfurt – Taunusanlage

The Deutsche Bank Twin Towers consists of two skyscrapers that are each 155 meters high and were built from 1979 to 1984 according to designs by Walter Hanig, Heinz Scheid, and Johannes Schmidt. The skyscrapers stand on the Taunusanlage near the Old Opera House, at the beginning of the Mainzer Landstrasse.

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Frankfurt – Around the old opera –

The famous old opera house (Alte Oper) was built in 1880 by the architect Richard Lucae and the building was one of the major opera houses in Germany until it was heavily damaged in World War II. Until the late 1970s it was a ruin, with the nickname: “Germany’s Most Beautiful Ruin”. The public pressure . . . → Read More: Frankfurt – Around the old opera –

Frankfurt – Hauptwache –

The Hauptwache is a central point and is one of the most famous plazas in Frankfurt. In 1730 the baroque house was built was the headquarters of the city’s Stadtwehr militia when Frankfurt was an independent city. Nowadays, the square serves as one of the most important crosspoints of the Frankfurt public transport system. The . . . → Read More: Frankfurt – Hauptwache –


The shopping mall MyZeil was designed by Roman architect Massimiliano Fuksas and was officially opened on 26 February 2009. The mall has six floors and the structural design of the imposing steel and glass construction is collecting the rainwater from the nearly 6000 square meters large roof areas.

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Frankfurt in the Gloaming

Frankfurt is one of the few European cities with a significant number of skyscrapers, which are high-rise office buildings and are located in the financial district (Bankenviertel) near the city centre.

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Frankfurt – Eisener Steg –

The Eiserner Steg (Iron Bridge) is a pedestrian-only bridge over the Main river and connects the incorporations Römerberg and Sachsenhausen. The bridge was built in the year 1868 and was the second bridge to cross the Main in Frankfurt.

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Frankfurt, Main

Frankfurt is the largest city in Hesse and is situated at the centre of the larger Frankfurt Rhine-Main Metropolitan Region. The city is known as the financial, trade fair and transportation centre of Germany and the largest financial centre in continental Europe. The city has been Germany’s financial centre for centuries and it is the . . . → Read More: Frankfurt, Main


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