Künstlerkolonie, Darmstadt

These photos were taken in Darmstadt (Hesse), Germany.

The artists’ colony “Mathildenhöhe” was founded in 1899 by Ernest Ludwig, Grand Duke of Hesse and the first exhibition of the artists’ colony took place in 1901. Ernest Ludwig motto was: “My Hesse should flourish, and the art in Hesse too” and he brought together several artists . . . → Read More: Künstlerkolonie, Darmstadt

Herrngarten, Darmstadt

The Herrngarten is the biggest and oldest park in Darmstadt, Germany.

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Frankenstein Castle, Germany

The castle Frankenstein is situated about 5 km south of Darmstadt (Hesse) and was built in the year 1250. From the year 1363, the castle was splitted into two parts and owned by two different families of the Lords and knights of Frankenstein. During the 15th century the castle was „modernized“ and expanded. In the . . . → Read More: Frankenstein Castle, Germany

Kaisertempel, Eppstein

The pictures were taken in Eppstein (Hesse), Germany. The picturesque city lies west of Frankfurt am Main and is at the edge of the Taunus mountains.

The Kaisertempel was built in 1894 as a memorial to commemorate the Prussian victory in the Franco-Prussian War (1870/71). This victory unified the German Empire under King Wilhelm I . . . → Read More: Kaisertempel, Eppstein

Eppstein Castle (Hesse), Germany

The pictures were taken in my hometown Eppstein. Eppstein is a town in Hesse (Germany), lies west of Frankfurt am Main and is at the edge of the Taunus mountains.

The ruins of the Eppstein castle were mentionend as „Ebbensten“ in the year 1122 and were the home of the Lords of Eppstein, who ruled . . . → Read More: Eppstein Castle (Hesse), Germany

Footdee, Aberdeen

I took these pictures in Footdee, also known locally as “Fittie”. Footdee is an old fishing village near Aberdeen Harbour, Scotland. In former days the cottages would have housed fishermen and their fisherfolk families and had a first recorded refernce in the year 1398. I heard, that some fish families still live in the picturesque . . . → Read More: Footdee, Aberdeen

Aberdeen Beach Esplanade

The beach is located in Aberdeen, Scotland and is famous for its golden sand. The long curved esplanade between the harbour and the River Don’s mouth is a great place for walks and runs. The beach has a popular amusement area along the beach with restaurants, cinema and an amusement park.

I took 3 different . . . → Read More: Aberdeen Beach Esplanade


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