Eppstein Castle (Hesse), Germany

The pictures were taken in my hometown Eppstein. Eppstein is a town in Hesse (Germany), lies west of Frankfurt am Main and is at the edge of the Taunus mountains.

The ruins of the Eppstein castle were mentionend as „Ebbensten“ in the year 1122 and were the home of the Lords of Eppstein, who ruled the territories of the Rhine Main area. The castle includes a museum with an old baroque altar and some books written by early travel writers who refer to Eppstein.

Now, the legend about the castle: The strong and handsome knight Eppo built the castle Eppstein and rescued the beautiful damsel Bertha from Bremthal from a giant. He slung the giant into a valley to death and took one of his ribs. You can see the rib above the castle gate (but it’s from a whale and not from a giant…)

I took 3 different exposures (-2, 0, +2) and processed the picture with Photomatix Pro, Photoshop and Topaz Labs.

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