Rosenhöhe, Darmstadt

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Schloss Wolfsgarten, Langen (Hesse)

Schloss Wolfsgarten was a former hunting lodge of the ruling family of Hesse-Darmstadt and was established between 1722 and 1724 by Landgrave Ernst Ludwig of Hesse-Darmstadt. From 1879, Wolfsgarten became a favorite country retreat for Grand Dukes Ludwig IV and his son Ernst Ludwig.

In the 20th century, Grand Duke Ernst Ludwig extensively modernised Schloss . . . → Read More: Schloss Wolfsgarten, Langen (Hesse)


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Dunnottar Castle

Dunnotar Castle is located on a rocky hill, about 3km south of Stonehaven, Scotland. Most of the buildings are largely of the 15th–16th centuries and the castle played an important role in the scottish history, because you can overlook the shipping lanes to northern Scotland.

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The lobster catcher

The lobster fishing is a large fishing industry. The lobster traps are either rectangular-shaped or half-cylinders, made from oak and surrounded by a rope mesh. Normally, the lobster traps are sunk to the ocean bottom with weights, are baited with dead fish and are connected to each other with a rope.

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Crathes Castle, Aberdeenshire

Crathes Castle is a 16th century castle near Banchory in Aberdeenshire and served as the ancestral seat of the Burnetts of Leys until gifted to the National Trust for Scotland (1951). In the year 1323, the land was given as a gift to the Burnett of Leys family by King Robert the Bruce. The construction . . . → Read More: Crathes Castle, Aberdeenshire

Crathes Castle, Aberdeenshire

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Aberdeen Harbour

Through more than eight centuries, Aberdeen Harbour has an important role in the development and prosperity of North-east Scotland. In the year 1136 was the first recorded reference, when King David 1st of Scotland granted the Bishops of Aberdeen the right to levy a tithe on all ships trading at the port. The arrival of . . . → Read More: Aberdeen Harbour

Aberdeen Harbour

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Torry is an area within the city of Aberdeen and is lying on the south bank of the River Dee. The Balnagask golf course offers panoramic city views from the east side of Torry. Furthermore, it is a good vantage point for viewing the dolphins which frequently visit the harbour mouth area.

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