Summer Sunset

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Rosenhöhe, Darmstadt

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Schloss Wolfsgarten, Langen (Hesse)

Schloss Wolfsgarten was a former hunting lodge of the ruling family of Hesse-Darmstadt and was established between 1722 and 1724 by Landgrave Ernst Ludwig of Hesse-Darmstadt. From 1879, Wolfsgarten became a favorite country retreat for Grand Dukes Ludwig IV and his son Ernst Ludwig.

In the 20th century, Grand Duke Ernst Ludwig extensively modernised Schloss . . . → Read More: Schloss Wolfsgarten, Langen (Hesse)

Glienicker Bridge „Glienicker Brücke“

The Glienicker Bridge is situated on the edge of Berlin. It spans the river „Havel“ to connect the cities of Potsdam and Berlin. During the Cold War, the Glienicker Bridge was one of the few places in the world where the Soviet Union and the Western powers stood directly opposite each other. The bridge lies . . . → Read More: Glienicker Bridge „Glienicker Brücke“

New Palace „Neues Palais“, Park Sanssouci

The New Palace is situated on the western side of the Sanssouci royal park in Potsdam was build by Frederick the Great. The construction of the palace started 1763 and was finished after six years, 1769. It is considered to be the last great Prussian baroque palace.

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Orangery Palace, Park Sanssouci

The Orangery Palace (Orangerieschloss) is also known as the New Orangery on the Klausberg, or just the Orangery. It was built in the style of the Italian Renaissance, after the image of the Villa Medici in Rome and the Uffizi in Florence.

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Pferdekoppel (Paddock)

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Felsenmeer (sea of rock)

The term felsenmeer comes from the German meaning „sea of rock“ or blockfield and is a surface covered by block-sized angular rocks. The freeze-thaw weathering has broken up rock formations, which occurs when water that is trapped along microcracks in rock expands and contracts due to fluctuations in temperature above and below the freezing point.

. . . → Read More: Felsenmeer (sea of rock)


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The Fürstenlager was built around 1790 by the landgrave and grand duke of Hesse-Darmstadt in Bensheim-Auerbach, Germany. The park includes over 50 exotic trees and bushes, e.g. the 150 years old giant redwood and a multitude of different buildings in the back.

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