Inveraray and Oban

Inveraray is a small fisher and tourist village in west scotland. 1770 the 5th Duke was rebuilding the town in its present form and the end product was an attractive town. The village included houses for estate workers, a woollen mill and a pier to exploit herring fishing. The distintive white bildiungs at loch shore make it photogenic and it is a popular tourist destination.

Oban is a resort town within the Argyll and Bute council area and occupies a beautiful setting in the Firth of Lorn. The bay of Oban is a near perfect horseshoe bay, protected by the island of Kerrera, and beyond Kerrera is Mull. One of the tourist attractions is Dunollie Castle, which is a small ruin located on a hill north of the town. In the 13th century, the 3rd chief of the MacDougalls probably built a castle there and lost the land after siding with MacDougall kinsmen, the Comyns, and fighting against Robert the Bruce.


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