By HeikeHameister, on März 14th, 2012 The shopping mall MyZeil was designed by Roman architect Massimiliano Fuksas and was officially opened on 26 February 2009. The mall has six floors and the structural design of the imposing steel and glass construction is collecting the rainwater from the nearly 6000 square meters large roof areas.
By HeikeHameister, on März 13th, 2012 Frankfurt is one of the few European cities with a significant number of skyscrapers, which are high-rise office buildings and are located in the financial district (Bankenviertel) near the city centre.
By HeikeHameister, on März 12th, 2012 The Eiserner Steg (Iron Bridge) is a pedestrian-only bridge over the Main river and connects the incorporations Römerberg and Sachsenhausen. The bridge was built in the year 1868 and was the second bridge to cross the Main in Frankfurt.
By HeikeHameister, on März 11th, 2012 Frankfurt is the largest city in Hesse and is situated at the centre of the larger Frankfurt Rhine-Main Metropolitan Region. The city is known as the financial, trade fair and transportation centre of Germany and the largest financial centre in continental Europe. The city has been Germany’s financial centre for centuries and it is the home of a number of major banks and brokerages. The airport is the third busiest airport by passenger traffic in Europe. Furthermore, it is is Germany’s most expensive city, and the 10th most expensive in the world…
Frankfurt is one of the few European cities with a significant number of skyscrapers, meaning buildings at least 150 m (492.13 ft) tall and 12 out of a total of 13 skyscapers in Germany are located in Frankfurt.
The Römer is a complex of nine houses and the middle house became the city hall, which includes on the upper floor the Kaisersaal („Emperor’s Hall“) where the newly crowned emperors held their banquets.
By HeikeHameister, on März 9th, 2012
By HeikeHameister, on März 8th, 2012 The term felsenmeer comes from the German meaning „sea of rock“ or blockfield and is a surface covered by block-sized angular rocks. The freeze-thaw weathering has broken up rock formations, which occurs when water that is trapped along microcracks in rock expands and contracts due to fluctuations in temperature above and below the freezing point.
By HeikeHameister, on März 7th, 2012
By HeikeHameister, on März 5th, 2012 Lindenfels is a town in southern Hesse, Germany and known as the “Pearl of the Odenwald”. In the middle of the town stand the ruins of the Lindenfels castle with a great view into the distance over the Weschnitz valley.
By HeikeHameister, on März 5th, 2012 Reichelsheim is a community in Hesse, Germany. It is located in the middle Odenwald and was first mentioned in 1303. The Schloss Reichenberg (Richenburg Castle) was first mentioned in 1307 and was used as a private upperclass boys’ school from 1876 to 1924. Nowadays, it is a publicly accessible international meeting and conference centre with a palace café.
By HeikeHameister, on März 4th, 2012 The Fürstenlager was built around 1790 by the landgrave and grand duke of Hesse-Darmstadt in Bensheim-Auerbach, Germany. The park includes over 50 exotic trees and bushes, e.g. the 150 years old giant redwood and a multitude of different buildings in the back.
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