JavaFX - SVGPath and PathTransition


JavaFX - Alien Rallye with SVGPath and PathTransition

This article describes how to parse the content of a SVG path element and create a set of JavaFX PathElements which are added to a javafx.scene.shape.Path. The idea behind this is that the JavaFX Path can be used to create a PathTransition. I used the Apache Batik parser to split the SVG path element and wrote my own PathHandler to create the PathElements.

This means: Parse a SVG string M 150 50 L 550,50 A 50 50 0 0 1 600,100 L 600,350 and create PathElements (ArcTo, LineTo, MoveTo, CubicCurveTo).

I will demonstrate how to parse the SVG path with a little JavaFX demo application. The Alien Rallye :-) (A small alien is moving along a Path animated by a PathTransition.


Lately I implemented a small application where images (small cars) are moving along a JavaFX Path using a PathTransition. The creation of the coordinates of the PathElements was not very comfortable and maintainable. (But I like the funny application... :-) )

The track for the Slotcars is created with a Path containing PathElements:

Path pathLine = PathBuilder.create()
                new MoveTo(startx+offset-50,starty),
                new LineTo(startx+350, starty),
                new LineTo(startx+400,starty+300),
                new LineTo(startx+200,starty+350),
                new LineTo(startx+150,starty+250),
                new LineTo(startx+50,starty+200),
                new LineTo(startx,starty+400),
                new LineTo(startx-100,starty+50),

Every time I changed the layout of the track it takes me some time to adapt the coordinates. So I though it would be nice if there is another way to change the track. For example use a Vector drawing program to change the track and export a SVG file (Inkscape, Adobe Illustrator, SVG-Edit, ...). I knew that JavaFX supports SVG and I experimented with the SVGPath class. The problem was that I didn't find a way to create a Path from SVG path element.

Searching for a Solution

I found the class ShapeConverter (Part of the JFxtras project) in a Blog-Post from Gerrit Grunwald. This class provides some methods to convert PathElements into SVG strings or SVGPaths. The problem is that I didn't find a method for the other way around, i.e. create PathElements from a SVG strings.

This means that I have to search for a functionality to parse the following SVG string:

M 150 50 L 550,50 A 50 50 0 0 1 600,100 L 600,350 A 50 50 0 0 1 550,400
L 400,400 A 50 50 0 0 1 350,350 L 350,300 A 50 50 0 0 0 300,250 L 250,250
A 50 50 0 0 0 200,300 L 200,450 A 50,50 0 0 1 150,500 A 50 50 0 0 1 100,450
L 100,100 A 50 50 0 0 1 150,50 z

Keep in mind that this is a very short SVG path. The SVG path of the following screenshot from the Alien Rallye application has 25757 bytes.


I was not keen on writing my own parser so I tried the Apache Batik framework. I found the PathParser which can be used to parse SVG paths. The PathParser needs a class which implements the PathHandler interface.

For the basic functions I wrote some code to create ArcTo, LineTo, MoveTo and CubicCurveTo objects.

package org.hameister.javafx.svg;

import javafx.scene.shape.ArcTo;
import javafx.scene.shape.ClosePath;
import javafx.scene.shape.CubicCurveTo;
import javafx.scene.shape.LineTo;
import javafx.scene.shape.MoveTo;
import javafx.scene.shape.Path;

import org.apache.batik.parser.ParseException;
import org.apache.batik.parser.PathHandler;

 * @see PathHandler Interface
 * @author j.hameister
public class JavaFXPathElementHandler implements PathHandler {

	private Path path = new Path();

	private float lastX = 0;
	private float lastY = 0;

	public JavaFXPathElementHandler(String pathStyling) {

	public void arcAbs(float rx, float ry, float xAxisRotation, boolean largeArcFlag, boolean sweepFlag, float x, float y) throws ParseException {
		lastX = x;
		lastY = y;
		path.getElements().add(new ArcTo(rx, ry, xAxisRotation, x, y, largeArcFlag, sweepFlag));

	public void arcRel(float rx, float ry, float xAxisRotation, boolean largeArcFlag, boolean sweepFlag, float x, float y) throws ParseException {
		lastX = x;
		lastY = y;

		path.getElements().add(new ArcTo(rx, ry, xAxisRotation, x, y, largeArcFlag, sweepFlag));

	public void closePath() throws ParseException {
		path.getElements().add(new ClosePath());

	public void curvetoCubicAbs(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, float x, float y) throws ParseException {
		lastX = x;
		lastY = y;

		CubicCurveTo c = new CubicCurveTo(x1,y1,x2,y2,x,y);

	public void curvetoCubicRel(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, float x, float y) throws ParseException {
		lastX = x;
		lastY = y;
		CubicCurveTo c = new CubicCurveTo(x1,y1,x2,y2,x,y);

	public void curvetoCubicSmoothAbs(float x2, float y2, float x, float y) throws ParseException {
		throw new ParseException("curvetoCubicSmoothAbs is currently not supported.", null);

	public void curvetoCubicSmoothRel(float x2, float y2, float x, float y) throws ParseException {
		throw new ParseException("curvetoCubicSmoothRel is currently not supported.", null);

	public void curvetoQuadraticAbs(float x1, float y1, float x, float y) throws ParseException {
		throw new ParseException("curvetoQuadraticAbs is currently not supported.", null);

	public void curvetoQuadraticRel(float x1, float y1, float x, float y) throws ParseException {
		throw new ParseException("curvetoQuadraticRel is currently not supported.", null);

	public void curvetoQuadraticSmoothAbs(float x, float y) throws ParseException {
		throw new ParseException("curvetoQuadraticSmoothAbs is currently not supported.", null);

	public void curvetoQuadraticSmoothRel(float x, float y) throws ParseException {
		throw new ParseException("curvetoQuadraticSmoothRel is currently not supported.", null);

	public void endPath() throws ParseException {}

	public void linetoAbs(float x, float y) throws ParseException {
		lastX = x;
		lastY = y;

		LineTo lineTo = new LineTo(x,y);

	public void linetoHorizontalAbs(float x) throws ParseException {
		lastX = x;
		LineTo lineTo = new LineTo(x, lastX);

	public void linetoHorizontalRel(float x) throws ParseException {
		lastX = x;
		LineTo lineTo = new LineTo(x, lastY);

	public void linetoRel(float x, float y) throws ParseException {
		lastX = x;
		lastY = y;
		LineTo lineTo = new LineTo(x, y);

	public void linetoVerticalAbs(float y) throws ParseException {
		lastY = y;
		LineTo lineTo = new LineTo(lastX, y);

	public void linetoVerticalRel(float y) throws ParseException {
		lastY = y;
		LineTo lineTo = new LineTo(lastX, y);

	public void movetoAbs(float x, float y) throws ParseException {
		lastX = x;
		lastY = y;
		MoveTo moveTo = new MoveTo(x, y);

	public void movetoRel(float x, float y) throws ParseException {
		lastX = x;
		lastY = y;
		MoveTo moveTo = new MoveTo(x, y);

	public void startPath() throws ParseException {

	public Path getPath() {
		return path;


If someone wants to support all possible elements of a SVG path he must implement the methods which throw a ParserException.

This JavaFXPathElementHandler is used by the Batik parser in the following way:

// Parse the SVG Path with Apache Batik and create a Path
PathParser parser = new PathParser();
JavaFXPathElementHandler handler = new JavaFXPathElementHandler("track");
parser.parse("M 150 50 L 550,50 A 50 50 0 0 1 600,100 L 600,350 A 50 50 0 0 1 550,400 L 400,400 A 50 50 0 0 1 350,350 L 350,300 A 50 50 0 0 0 300,250 L 250,250 A 50 50 0 0 0 200,300 L 200,450 A 50,50 0 0 1 150,500 A 50 50 0 0 1 100,450 L 100,100 A 50 50 0 0 1 150,50 z");
Path path = handler.getPath();

The result is a Path which can be used as input for a PathTransition.

To use the parser of the Apache Batik framework you only need two jar files from the Apache project:

The following listing shows the complete JavaFX main class:

package org.hameister.javafx.svg;

import javafx.animation.PathTransition;
import javafx.animation.Timeline;
import javafx.application.Application;
import javafx.scene.Scene;
import javafx.scene.image.Image;
import javafx.scene.image.ImageView;
import javafx.scene.layout.Pane;
import javafx.scene.shape.Path;
import javafx.stage.Stage;
import javafx.util.Duration;

import org.apache.batik.parser.PathParser;

public class SVGPathParser extends Application {

	private final static double WIDTH = 650;
	private final static double HEIGHT = 500;

	public void start(Stage primaryStage) {
		Pane root = new Pane();

		// Parse the SVG Path with Apache Batik and create a Path
		PathParser parser = new PathParser();
		JavaFXPathElementHandler handler = new JavaFXPathElementHandler("track");

		// The short track example
		// parser.parse("M 150 50 L 550,50 A 50 50 0 0 1 600,100 L 600,350 A 50 50 0 0 1 550,400 L 400,400 A 50 50 0 0 1 350,350 L 350,300 A 50 50 0 0 0 300,250 L 250,250 A 50 50 0 0 0 200,300 L 200,450 A 50,50 0 0 1 150,500 A 50 50 0 0 1 100,450 L 100,100 A 50 50 0 0 1 150,50 z");
		// The long track example (Created online with SVG-edit)
		parser.parse("M102,135c0,-1 0.693436,-2.458801 2,-3c0.923882,-0.38269 2,-1 3,-2c1,-1 2,-2 3,-3c1,-1 1.292892,-1.292892 2,-2c0.707108,-0.707108 1.693436,-0.458801 3,-1c0.923882,-0.382683 2.693436,-1.458801 4,-2c2.771637,-1.148048 5.026749,-0.770248 6,-1c2.176254,-0.513741 2.85273,-3.173096 4,-4c1.813995,-1.307449 3.298691,-0.94854 5,-2c1.902115,-1.175568 3.07843,-1.789848 6,-3c2.065857,-0.855705 5,-2 9,-4c2,-1 4.186005,-1.692551 6,-3c1.147263,-0.826904 1.693436,-2.458801 3,-3c1.847763,-0.765366 2.852737,-1.173096 4,-2c1.813995,-1.307449 2.693436,-1.458801 4,-2c1.847763,-0.765366 3.152237,-0.234634 5,-1c1.306564,-0.541199 2.693436,-1.458801 4,-2c0.923874,-0.382683 3.053497,-0.540497 5,-1c2.176254,-0.513741 4.412079,-0.968552 8,-3c2.461304,-1.393562 3,-3 5,-3c0,0 1.076126,0.382683 2,0c1.306564,-0.541199 3,-3 5,-3c1,0 1.173096,-0.85273 2,-2c1.307449,-1.813995 5,-5 10,-8c5,-3 8.769928,-4.54863 13,-6c4.823029,-1.654816 8,-1 11,-1c4,0 7,0 10,0c5,0 9.029205,0.591225 15,0c5.074219,-0.502449 9.920349,-2.167961 14,-4c4.912567,-2.206066 9.076904,-2.731445 13,-4c5.123962,-1.656849 8.927673,-3.231731 15,-5c3.958679,-1.152771 9.016907,-1.903393 15,-3c5.015472,-0.919258 9.878571,-1.493458 13,-2c3.948364,-0.640728 9.038727,0.480545 12,0c3.121429,-0.506542 6.01947,-0.60585 10,-1c5.074219,-0.502445 8,-1 12,-1c5,0 10.012573,-0.645554 15,-1c7.053284,-0.501263 14.009064,-1.929871 22,-3c7.008514,-0.938564 17,-1 25,-2c8,-1 16.946716,-1.498737 24,-2c4.987427,-0.354446 12.023865,-0.422638 19,-1c6.062042,-0.501709 11.029205,-0.408775 17,-1c5.074219,-0.502445 7.925781,-1.497555 13,-2c4.975677,-0.492687 9.925781,-0.497555 15,-1c4.975647,-0.492687 9,0 14,0c4,0 8,0 11,0c4,0 6.076111,-0.382683 7,0c1.30658,0.541195 1,2 1,3c0,1 0,2 0,4c0,1 0,4 0,5c0,2 0,4 0,5c0,1 0,3 0,3c0,1 0.707092,3.292892 0,4c-0.707092,0.707108 -2,1 -3,2c-1,1 -2.292908,1.292892 -3,2c-0.707092,0.707108 -1.705444,1.346191 -4,3c-1.813965,1.307449 -4.042908,1.710213 -5,2c-3.450867,1.04483 -5,3 -7,3c-1,0 -2.152222,0.234634 -4,1c-1.30658,0.541199 -4.015015,0.75563 -6,1c-4.092224,0.503777 -7.022491,1.633453 -10,2c-4.092224,0.503777 -6.647491,1.972511 -11,3c-2.919739,0.689262 -5.878571,1.493462 -9,2c-1.974182,0.320366 -5.038727,0.519455 -8,1c-3.121429,0.506538 -5.038727,0.519455 -8,1c-3.121429,0.506538 -5.925781,1.497551 -11,2c-2.985413,0.295616 -7,1 -11,1c-5,0 -9,0 -13,0c-5,0 -9,0 -14,0c-4,0 -9,0 -14,0c-4,0 -8,0 -12,0c-4,0 -9,0 -12,0c-3,0 -7,0 -10,0c-2,0 -5,0 -7,0c-3,0 -6,0 -9,0c-2,0 -4,0 -7,0c-2,0 -4,0 -6,0c-2,0 -5,1 -8,1c-2,0 -4.934143,1.144295 -7,2c-2.92157,1.210152 -4.852722,1.173096 -6,2c-1.813995,1.307449 -4,3 -6,4c-2,1 -3.486267,1.823746 -4,4c-0.229767,0.973251 -0.540497,2.053505 -1,4c-0.513733,2.176254 -3,4 -3,6c0,2 0,3 0,5c0,2 -1.414215,4.585785 0,6c0.707092,0.707108 2,1 3,1c1,0 2,1 4,1c2,0 4,0 7,0c3,0 6,0 9,0c4,0 8.064575,0.800911 13,0c3.121429,-0.506538 7,-1 11,-1c3,0 8,0 11,0c3,0 6.053497,0.459503 8,0c2.176239,-0.513741 3.823761,-1.486259 6,-2c1.946503,-0.459503 4.963837,-0.115868 8,-1c3.958679,-1.152771 8.041321,-0.847229 12,-2c3.036163,-0.884132 7.022491,-1.633453 10,-2c4.092224,-0.503777 7.037476,-1.389084 12,-2c4.092224,-0.503777 8.064575,-1.199089 13,-2c3.121429,-0.506538 6.925781,-1.497551 12,-2c3.98053,-0.39415 8.037476,-0.389084 13,-1c4.092224,-0.503777 8,-1 13,-1c4,0 7,0 10,0c2,0 5,0 8,0c4,0 7,0 11,0c4,0 7,0 12,0c4,0 9,0 12,0c4,0 8,0 11,0c3,0 6,0 8,0c2,0 4.053528,-0.459503 6,0c2.17627,0.513741 3.186035,0.692551 5,2c1.147278,0.826904 2.418884,0.418861 4,2c1.581116,1.581139 2.692566,3.186005 4,5c1.653809,2.29454 3,3 4,5c1,2 1.292908,2.292892 2,3c0.707092,0.707108 0.458801,0.693436 1,2c0.38269,0.923882 0,2 0,4c0,2 0,3 0,5c0,3 0,5 0,7c0,2 0,2 0,3c0,3 0,5 0,7c0,2 0.765381,5.152237 0,7c-1.082397,2.613129 -4,4 -6,6c-2,2 -4,3 -6,4c-2,1 -4.053528,1.540497 -6,2c-2.17627,0.513748 -3.87854,3.493454 -7,4c-2.961243,0.480545 -7.037476,0.389084 -12,1c-4.092224,0.503769 -8,1 -11,1c-4,0 -9,0 -13,0c-4,0 -9,0 -14,0c-3,0 -7,0 -12,0c-5,0 -9,0 -14,0c-5,0 -9,0 -14,0c-5,0 -11,0 -15,0c-4,0 -9,0 -13,0c-3,0 -6.693451,-0.458801 -8,-1c-1.847748,-0.765366 -4.014984,0.24437 -6,0c-4.092224,-0.503769 -10.980865,-4.122574 -17,-5c-7.977936,-1.162949 -15.044952,-2.266907 -21,-3c-4.092224,-0.503769 -11.176971,-0.345184 -16,-2c-4.230072,-1.45137 -8.925781,-3.497559 -14,-4c-5.970795,-0.591232 -11.037476,-0.389084 -16,-1c-4.092224,-0.503769 -8,-2 -11,-2c-4,0 -8,-1 -13,-1c-3,0 -6.907776,-0.496231 -11,-1c-3.970032,-0.488739 -7.925781,-0.497559 -13,-1c-2.985413,-0.295609 -4.907776,-0.496231 -9,-1c-2.977509,-0.366547 -7,0 -10,0c-3,0 -5,-1 -7,-1c-2,0 -7,0 -10,0c-3,0 -6.702667,1.541367 -10,3c-3.770645,1.668015 -6,2 -9,4c-3,2 -4.186005,3.692551 -6,5c-2.29454,1.653809 -4.877655,4.06601 -6,6c-1.809723,3.118484 -3.486252,4.823746 -4,7c-0.459503,1.946503 -1.346191,3.70546 -3,6c-1.307449,1.813995 -1,4 -1,6c0,0 0,1 0,2c0,1 0,2 0,3c0,2 -0.307449,5.186005 1,7c1.653809,2.29454 3,4 4,6c1,2 2,4 3,5c1,1 1,1 2,1c1,0 1.549149,0.95517 5,2c2.871277,0.869354 6.228363,-0.148056 9,1c1.306564,0.541199 3,1 3,1c1,0 2,0 4,0c1,0 3.06456,0.800919 8,0c3.121445,-0.506546 7,-2 11,-2c4,0 8,-2 13,-2c3,0 6,0 9,0c3,0 7,0 10,0c4,0 7,0 11,0c5,0 11,0 17,0c5,0 10,0 17,0c7,0 13,0 19,0c5,0 12,0 16,0c5,0 8,0 12,0c4,0 8,0 12,0c5,0 11,0 16,0c4,0 8.171631,-1.159134 12,0c3.450836,1.04483 9,3 12,3c3,0 6.071808,0.691238 11,2c3.056335,0.811661 6,2 9,2c3,0 5,0 7,0c2,0 4,0 6,0c3,0 5,0 7,0c2,0 5,0 6,0c2,0 3,0 5,0c2,0 3,0 6,0c2,0 4,0 7,0c2,0 4,0 6,0c1,0 2,0 3,0c2,0 3,0 4,0c1,0 2,0 3,0c2,0 3,0 4,0c1,0 2,0 3,0c3,0 8,0 13,0c4,0 7,0 10,0c2,0 3,1 5,1c1,0 2,0 3,0c1,0 2.076111,0.38269 3,0c1.30658,-0.541199 2,-2 3,-3c1,-1 2.458801,-1.693436 3,-3c0.38269,-0.923874 0.69342,-2.458801 2,-3c0.923889,-0.38269 2.076111,-0.61731 3,-1c1.30658,-0.541199 2.076111,-0.61731 3,-1c1.30658,-0.541199 2,-1 2,-1c1,0 2.486267,0.176254 3,-2c0.229736,-0.973251 1,-1 2,-2c1,-1 2.173096,-1.852737 3,-3c1.307434,-1.813995 0.69342,-3.458801 2,-4c0.923889,-0.38269 1.585815,0.414215 3,-1c0.707092,-0.707108 2.076111,-0.61731 3,-1c1.30658,-0.541199 4,-1 5,-1c1,0 3,0 5,0c1,0 3,0 4,0c2,0 3,0 4,0c1,0 1,1 2,1c1,0 1,1 1,2c0,1 1,3 2,4c1,1 1.458801,2.693436 2,4c0.38269,0.923874 1,1 1,3c0,1 0.292908,1.292892 1,2c0.707092,0.707108 0,1 0,2c0,1 2,1 2,3c0,0 0,1 0,2c0,0 0,1 0,3c0,1 0.707092,2.292892 0,3c-1.414185,1.414215 -1.292908,2.292892 -2,3c-0.707092,0.707108 -1,1 -1,2c0,0 -0.458801,1.693436 -1,3c-0.765381,1.847763 -1,3 -1,5c0,0 0,1 0,4c0,2 0,5 0,8c0,3 0,7 0,11c0,3 0,7 0,9c0,3 0,6 0,8c0,1 0,2 0,3c0,1 0,3 0,5c0,1 0.229736,2.026764 0,3c-0.513733,2.176239 -1.493469,3.878571 -2,7c-0.320374,1.974182 0,5 0,8c0,2 0.148071,4.228363 -1,7c-0.541199,1.306549 -0.61731,3.076111 -1,4c-1.082397,2.613129 -3,3 -3,5c0,1 0.488708,3.029968 0,7c-0.503784,4.092224 -2.1604,6.963287 -3,11c-1.238647,5.955322 -1,8 -1,10c0,2 0,4 0,7c0,2 0.459534,5.053497 0,7c-0.513733,2.176239 -2.144287,5.934143 -3,8c-1.210144,2.92157 -2.486267,6.823761 -3,9c-0.919006,3.893005 0,6 0,8c0,2 0,5 0,7c0,2 0.459534,3.053497 0,5c-0.513733,2.176239 -0.839844,4.012909 -1,5c-0.506531,3.121429 -1,4 -1,6c0,3 -1,4 -1,5c0,2 0.765381,3.152252 0,5c-0.541199,1.306549 -1,3 -1,5c0,1 -0.839844,2.012909 -1,3c-0.506531,3.121429 -0.540466,4.053497 -1,6c-0.513733,2.176239 -2,4 -3,6c-1,2 -2.292908,3.292908 -3,4c-0.707092,0.707092 -1.292908,1.292908 -2,2c-0.707092,0.707092 -2.026733,-0.229767 -3,0c-2.17627,0.513733 -5.228333,1.851959 -8,3c-2.613098,1.082397 -5.07843,2.789856 -8,4c-2.065857,0.855713 -2.69342,1.458801 -4,2c-1.847778,0.765381 -3,0 -4,0c0,0 -1,0 -2,0c-1,0 -1.852722,-1.173096 -3,-2c-1.813965,-1.307465 -2.61731,-2.076111 -3,-3c-0.541199,-1.306549 -2.149353,-1.474274 -3,-2c-1.9021,-1.175568 -2.61731,-4.076111 -3,-5c-0.541199,-1.306549 -2.458801,-1.693451 -3,-3c-0.38269,-0.923889 0,-2 0,-3c0,0 -1,0 -1,-2c0,-1 0,-3 0,-5c0,-2 0,-5 0,-8c0,-3 -0.68927,-7.080261 0,-10c0.513733,-2.176239 1,-5 1,-6c0,-2 0.458801,-3.693451 1,-5c0.765381,-1.847748 0,-3 0,-4c0,-2 -0.48053,-4.038727 0,-7c0.506531,-3.121429 0.679626,-6.025818 1,-8c0.506531,-3.121429 0.540466,-5.053497 1,-7c0.513733,-2.176239 0.234619,-3.152252 1,-5c0.541199,-1.306549 1.917603,-3.386871 3,-6c0.765381,-1.847748 1,-4 1,-7c0,-2 1,-5 1,-7c0,-3 0,-6 0,-8c0,-3 0,-4 0,-5c0,-2 0,-5 0,-9c0,-3 0,-7 0,-10c0,-2 0,-8 0,-11c0,-2 0,-4 0,-7c0,-2 -1,-4 -1,-6c0,-2 -0.61731,-6.076111 -1,-7c-1.082397,-2.613129 -2,-3 -2,-4c0,-1 0,-3 0,-4c0,0 0,-1 0,-2c0,-1 -1,-2 -1,-4c0,-1 -0.458801,-1.693451 -1,-3c-0.38269,-0.923889 -0.839844,-3.012909 -1,-4c-0.506531,-3.121429 -1,-4 -2,-5c-1,-1 -1.61731,-2.076111 -2,-3c-0.541199,-1.306564 -2,-2 -3,-3c-1,-1 -2.386902,-2.917603 -5,-4c-0.923889,-0.38269 -2,0 -4,0c-1,0 -3,0 -5,0c-2,0 -4.053528,-0.459503 -6,0c-2.176239,0.513748 -6.026764,1.770248 -7,2c-2.176239,0.513748 -5,3 -7,5c-2,2 -4.173096,3.852722 -5,5c-1.307465,1.813995 -2.486267,3.823761 -3,6c-0.459503,1.946503 -1,4 -2,6c-1,2 -2.493469,3.878571 -3,7c-0.320374,1.974182 -1.458801,4.693451 -2,6c-0.38269,0.923889 0.765381,3.152252 0,5c-0.541199,1.306549 -1,3 -1,7c0,4 -1.95517,7.549164 -3,11c-1.159149,3.828369 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-8,0c-4,0 -7,0 -11,0c-5,0 -10,0 -16,0c-5,0 -10.024338,-0.492676 -15,0c-5.074203,0.502441 -10,1 -13,1c-5,0 -8,0 -12,0c-3,0 -6,0 -9,0c-2,0 -4,0 -6,0c-2,0 -6,0 -10,0c-3,0 -8,0 -14,0c-6,0 -10,0 -14,0c-2,0 -4.82375,-1.486267 -7,-2c-1.946499,-0.459503 -3.878555,-1.493469 -7,-2c-1.974174,-0.320374 -4,-1 -5,-1c-1,0 -1,-1 -1,-2c0,-1 -1.103405,-1.906342 -2,-3c-2.285879,-2.78833 -4.418861,-3.418854 -6,-5c-1.581139,-1.581146 -1.418861,-3.418854 -3,-5c-1.581139,-1.581146 -2.458803,-1.693451 -3,-3c-0.382683,-0.923889 0,-2 0,-3c0,-1 0,-3 0,-5c0,-1 0,-2 0,-3c0,0 0,-2 0,-3c0,-1 2,-2 3,-3c1,-1 2.292892,-2.292908 3,-3c0.707108,-0.707092 1.292892,-0.292908 2,-1c1.414213,-1.414215 5.310005,-0.337494 8,-2c1.203003,-0.7435 3,-1 3,-1c1,0 1,-1 3,-1c1,0 3,-1 4,-1c1,0 2,0 3,0c1,0 2,0 4,0c1,0 3,0 7,0c2,0 6,0 9,0c3,0 6,0 9,0c2,0 4,0 8,0c3,0 6.01947,-0.394165 10,0c5.074203,0.502441 10.907784,1.496216 15,2c4.96254,0.610931 11,1 18,1c4,0 9.03746,0.610931 14,0c4.092209,-0.503784 8,-1 10,-1c3,0 5,0 7,0c2,0 4,0 5,0c4,0 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0,-3c0,-1 0,-3 0,-5c0,-3 0.486252,-5.823746 1,-8c0.459503,-1.946503 0.486252,-2.823746 1,-5c0.229752,-0.973251 0,-3 0,-4c0,-1 -0.389359,-3.159271 1,-6c1.584106,-3.238922 3.346191,-5.70546 5,-8c1.307449,-1.813995 1.097885,-4.824432 3,-6c0.850647,-0.525726 1.458801,-0.693436 2,-2c0.38269,-0.923874 1,-1 1,-2c0,-1 0.149353,-0.474274 1,-1c1.902115,-1.175568 1.173096,-2.852737 2,-4c1.307449,-1.813995 2.486252,-2.823746 3,-5c0.229752,-0.973251 0.292892,-1.292892 1,-2c0.707108,-0.707108 -0.229752,-1.026749 0,-2c0.513748,-2.176254 1.458801,-2.693436 2,-4c0.38269,-0.923874 0.234634,-1.152237 1,-3c0.541199,-1.306564 2,-3 3,-3c1,0 1.292892,-0.292892 2,-1c0.707108,-0.707108 0,-2 1,-3c1,-1 3,-2 4,-3c1,-1 1,-2 2,-2c1,0 1,-1 2,-1c1,0 2.458801,0.306564 3,-1c0.38269,-0.923874 2.076126,-1.61731 3,-2c1.306564,-0.541199 2.076126,-1.61731 3,-2c1.306564,-0.541199 1.418854,-2.418854 3,-4c1.581146,-1.581146 3.852737,-1.173096 5,-2c1.813995,-1.307449 3,-1 4,-2c1,-1 1.693436,-1.458801 3,-2c0.923874,-0.382683 2.076126,-0.617317 3,-1c1.306564,-0.541199 1.076126,-0.617317 2,-1c1.306564,-0.541199 2.292892,-1.292892 3,-2c0.707108,-0.707108 1.292892,-1.292892 2,-2c1.414215,-1.414215 2,-2 2,-4c0,-1 0,-1 0,-2c0,-1 0.38269,-1.076118 0,-2c-0.541199,-1.306564 -1.474274,-1.149345 -2,-2c-1.175568,-1.902115 -3,-2 -4,-2c0,0 -1,-1 -2,-1c-1,0 -2,0 -2,0c0,-2 -1,-2 -2,-2c-2,0 -3,0 -4,0c-1,0 -2,0 -3,0c-1,0 -2,0 -2,0c-1,0 -2,0 -3,0c-1,0 -2,0 -3,0c-1,0 -2,0 -3,0c-1,0 -2,2 -3,2c-1,0 -1.693436,1.458801 -3,2c-0.923874,0.382683 -2,1 -3,1c-1,0 -2.026749,-0.229752 -3,0c-2.176254,0.513741 -2,2 -3,2c-2,0 -4.053497,0.540497 -6,1c-2.176254,0.513741 -3.585785,0.585785 -5,2c-0.707108,0.707108 -0.693436,1.458801 -2,2c-0.923874,0.382683 -2.693436,1.458801 -4,2c-1.847763,0.765366 -2.292892,1.292892 -3,2c-0.707108,0.707108 -1.076126,0.617317 -2,1c-1.306564,0.541199 -2,2 -3,3c0,0 0.414215,0.585785 -1,2c-0.707108,0.707108 -1.076126,0.617317 -2,1c-1.306564,0.541199 -1.292892,1.292892 -2,2c-0.707108,0.707108 -1.474274,0.149353 -2,1c-1.175568,1.902115 -2.852737,2.173096 -4,3c-1.813995,1.307449 -2.61731,1.076126 -3,2c-0.541199,1.306564 -1.852737,2.173096 -3,3c-1.813995,1.307449 -2.692551,2.186005 -4,4c-0.826904,1.147263 -2.474274,2.149353 -3,3c-1.175568,1.902115 -3.173096,2.852737 -4,4c-1.307449,1.813995 -1.234634,3.152237 -2,5c-0.541199,1.306564 -1.61731,2.076126 -2,3c-0.541199,1.306564 -1.692551,2.186005 -3,4c-0.826904,1.147263 -2.458801,1.693436 -3,3c-0.382683,0.923874 -1,2 -1,3c0,0 -1,1 -1,2c0,2 0.459503,4.053497 0,6c-0.513741,2.176254 -1,4 -1,6c0,3 0,5 0,7c0,2 0,4 0,6c0,2 0.707108,3.292892 0,4c-0.707108,0.707108 -1,2 -1,3c0,2 0,3 0,4c0,1 0,3 0,4c0,1 0,3 0,4c0,3 0,5 0,8c0,2 0,5 0,7c0,3 0,6 1,8c1,2 2.458801,3.693436 3,5c0.765366,1.847763 0.458801,2.693436 1,4c0.38269,0.923874 0.770248,1.026749 1,2c0.513748,2.176254 1.234634,3.152237 2,5c0.541199,1.306564 2,2 2,3c0,1 0,2 0,3c0,2 0,3 0,4c0,1 0,2 0,3c0,1 0,2 0,3c0,1 -0.234634,1.152252 -1,3c-0.541199,1.306549 -1.292892,1.292908 -2,2c-0.707108,0.707092 -0.097885,1.824432 -2,3c-0.850647,0.525726 -2.292892,-0.707092 -3,0c-0.707108,0.707092 -2.458801,0.693451 -3,2c-0.382683,0.923889 -1,2 -2,2c-1,0 -2,0 -4,0c-2,0 -3,0 -4,0c-2,0 -3.292892,0.707092 -4,0c-0.707108,-0.707092 -1.693436,-2.458801 -3,-3c-0.923882,-0.38269 -2.824432,-0.0979 -4,-2c-0.525734,-0.850647 -0.292892,-1.292908 -1,-2c-1.414215,-1.414215 -2.292892,-0.292908 -3,-1c-0.707108,-0.707092 -1,-1 -1,-2c0,-1 -0.617317,-3.076111 -1,-4c-0.541199,-1.306549 -1.486259,-2.823761 -2,-5c-0.689262,-2.919739 -2.173096,-5.852737 -3,-7c-1.307449,-1.813995 -1.458801,-3.693436 -2,-5c-0.382683,-0.923874 -0.458801,-2.693436 -1,-4c-0.382683,-0.923874 0.707108,-3.292892 0,-4c-0.707108,-0.707108 -1,-1 -1,-2c0,-1 -1.486259,-2.823746 -2,-5c-0.459503,-1.946503 -1.458801,-2.693436 -2,-4c-0.765366,-1.847763 -0.292892,-2.292892 -1,-3c-0.707108,-0.707108 0,-2 0,-2c0,-1 0,-3 0,-4c0,-1 0,-2 0,-2c0,-1 0,-2 0,-4c0,-1 0.707108,-2.292892 0,-3c-0.707108,-0.707108 -0.617317,-1.076126 -1,-2c-0.541199,-1.306564 -0.292892,-3.292892 -1,-4c-0.707108,-0.707108 -0.617317,-1.076126 -1,-2c-0.541199,-1.306564 -0.770248,-2.026749 -1,-3c-0.513741,-2.176254 -2.458801,-2.693436 -3,-4c-0.382683,-0.923874 -0.617317,-2.076126 -1,-3c-0.541199,-1.306564 -1.292892,-1.292892 -2,-2c-0.707108,-0.707108 0,-2 0,-3c0,-1 0,-2 0,-3c0,-1 0,-2 0,-3c0,-2 0,-3 0,-5c0,-2 0,-4 0,-5c0,-3 0,-4 0,-5c0,-1 0,-2 0,-3c0,-1 0,-2 0,-3c0,0 0,-1 0,-2c0,0 0,-1 0,-2c0,-2 0,-3 0,-3c0,-1 0.824432,-1.097885 2,-3c0.525734,-0.850647 0,-3 0,-4c0,-1 1,-1 1,-2c0,-1 1,-2 1,-2c1,-1 1.292892,-1.292892 2,-2c0.707108,-0.707108 1.292892,-1.292892 2,-2c1.414215,-1.414215 2.292892,-1.292892 3,-2c0.707108,-0.707108 0.693436,-1.458801 2,-2c1.847755,-0.765366 2.292892,-0.292892 3,-1c0.707108,-0.707108 1.292892,-1.292892 2,-2c0.707108,-0.707108 2,0 2,0c1,0 2,0 2,0c1,0 2,0 2,0c1,0 2,0 3,1c0,0 1,1 2,1c1,0 1.292892,-0.292892 2,-1c0.707108,-0.707108 1,-1 2,-2l0,0 Z");

		Path path = handler.getPath();

		// Moving image
		ImageView alien = new ImageView(new Image("alien.png"));

		// Path Transition
		PathTransition pathTransition = new PathTransition();

		primaryStage.setTitle("JavaFX Alien Rallye");
		primaryStage.setScene(new Scene(root, WIDTH, HEIGHT));

	public static void main(String[] args) {

The used css file is very short (alien.css):

.root {

.track {
	-fx-stroke: orange;
	-fx-stroke-width: 5;


If you know a method or a public API in JavaFX which parses a SVG path, let me know. I'm sure that there is a functionality in JavaFX to parse a SVG path, because it is possible to parse css definitions like this: -fx-shape: "M 0 0 V 20 H 40 V 0 z";


The source code is available at GitHub: JavaFX-AlienRallye.