I took these pictures in Footdee, also known locally as “Fittie”. Footdee is an old fishing village near Aberdeen Harbour, Scotland. In former days the cottages would have housed fishermen and their fisherfolk families and had a first recorded refernce in the year 1398. I heard, that some fish families still live in the picturesque fishing cottages and their well maintained gardens set away from the hustle and bustle of Aberdeen City. Round the outside of the buildings square the cottages are regular, granite houses, but from the inside they’re anything but with shacks, sheds including outhouses jumbled with washing lines, floweres and a lot of knick-knack. First, the area was called Futty then the village became Fittie and nowadays the area is named Footdee and presents the official name.
I took 3 different exposures (-2, 0, +2) and processed the pictures with Photomatix Pro, Photoshop and Topaz Labs.